The files pressure_spectrum_80_kulite.csv and pressure_spectrum_95_kulite.csv give the power spectral density (PSD) of wall pressure fluctuations as measured at the foot of the shock. The file pressure_spectrum_80_kulite.csv corresponds to the 8° deflection case. The file pressure_spectrum_95_kulite.csv corresponds to the 9.5° deflection case. The data were measured at x=291 mm for the 8° configuration. The data were measured at x=265.5 mm for the 9.5° configuration. The file contains the frequency in Hz and the PSD in arbitrary scale, from approximately 12 Hz to 50 kHz. The measurements were taken in the same flowconditions as the files giving the pressure moments distribution(Pressure_Moments_80_longitudinal_distribution and Pressure_Moments_95_longitudinal_distribution) and the piv velocity fields (IUSTI_8d_case2006_2 and IUSTI_95d_case2006_2).